The Third Mindfulness Training: True Love

This Monday October 23, we will meet in person.

Go to calendar for our schedule

Address for the OHMC meditation space:

3812 Northampton St. NW

Washington DC 20015

Please arrive a few minutes early so we can invite the bell on time. You may also arrive 15 minutes early to practice working meditation by helping us set up cushions. 

Dear sangha friends,

This week we will meet on Monday evening in person 7-8:30PM at our meditation space (3812 Northampton Street NW), Wednesday morning from 7-8AM online, and Friday 12-1PM in person.

On Monday evening, we will read the Third Mindfulness Training: True Love, and share our reflections on how this Training plays out in our own lives.

The Third Precept of Buddhism originally was “Refrain From Sexual Misconduct.” With great wisdom and compassion, Thay renamed the Third Mindfulness Training, “True Love” to reflect an expanded perspective on the third precept. Last year, the training was additionally revised to be more compassionate and inclusive of our LGBTQIA+ siblings.

Nowadays, we find ourselves living in a highly sexualized society, where we, and particularly our young people, are exposed to pressures to conform in terms of dress, speech and behavior. At the same time, there is often a cloud of shame and fear that prevents us from speaking openly about this topic. I hope that we may come together on Monday evening to share openly and respectfully about how we as mindfulness practitioners respond to the teachings embodied in this Training.

If you have the time and interest, you may enjoy this very wise 9-minute video about the Third Mindfulness Training with Br. Phap Dung.

You will also find the text of the Third Mindfulness Training below.

I very much look forward to being with you on Monday evening.

With a smile,

Jill McKay

The Third Mindfulness Training: True Love

Aware of the suffering caused by sexual misconduct, I am committed to cultivating responsibility and learning ways to protect the safety and integrity of individuals, couples, families, and society. Knowing that sexual desire is not love, and that sexual activity motivated by craving always harms myself as well as others, I am determined not to engage in sexual relations without mutual consent, true love, and a deep, long-term commitment. I resolve to find spiritual support for the integrity of my relationship from family members, friends, and sangha with whom there is support and trust. I will do everything in my power to protect children from sexual abuse and to prevent couples and families from being broken by sexual misconduct. Seeing that body and mind are interrelated, I am committed to learning appropriate ways to take care of my sexual energy and to cultivating the four basic elements of true love – loving kindness, compassion, joy, and inclusiveness – for the greater happiness of myself and others. Recognizing the diversity of human experience, I am committed not to discriminate against any form of gender identity or sexual orientation. Practicing true love, we know that we will continue beautifully into the future.